Cheap Indonesia hotels just got easier to find

Padang HotelWe’ve just added a really cool new way to search for hotels in Indonesia to this site and we think you are going to like it. You might be aware that many hotels in this country are listed on some travel-booking sites and not on others, and sometimes they are listed for one price on one and for another price on the next. Now you can get through that mess with just a couple clicks.

When you see the new hotels section you’ll find a list of cities on that page. Clicking on one of the cities will give you a list of every hotel in that area that is listed through booking sites, but even better, you can enter your travel dates on top of the screen and then you’ll be able to search multiple hotel-booking sites with just one more click. This way you can find the hotel that is best for you and know that you are getting it for the best price possible with confidence.

Check out the new Indonesia hotels section and you’ll see how you can find the best price on a hotel with very little hassle.