- National Parks in Sulawesi
- Kelimutu Lakes: Flores, East Nusa Tenggara
- Committed to Preserving Nature: Sulawesi
- Halmahera Fairy Birds: Halmahera, Maluku Islands
- Indonesians in Focus: Endah Lasmadiwati
- Serambi Merapi Community: Pakembinangun, Central Java
- Swift Breeding Spots Relocated: Batam, Sumatra
- Frog without Lungs Discovered in Kalimantan
- Crawling Fish: Ambon, Maluku Islands
- Sumatran Tiger Population Depleted: Sumatra
- Strawberry Fields: Nangkojajar, East Java
- BMG to Operate Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre
- The Environment and Indonesia
- Snakes in Indonesia
- Conservation Group Fights Illegal Trade: Bali
- New Bird Species Discovered
- Diving in Ambon: Maluku Islands
- The Sale of Shell Products Goes On and On and On
- Indonesia to Build Four Nuclear Plants
- Orangutan Outreach
- Attempt to Smuggle Seahorses Foiled: Jakarta, West Java
- Saving Orangutans in Indonesia
- Pollution on the Streets: Bali
- Marunda Fishermen: North Jakarta, West Java
- Denpasar City Pollution: Bali
- Indonesians in Focus: Sambyah
- Jakarta Green Monster: Ragunan, Jakarta, West Java
- Environmental Project Underway: Pasuran, East Java
- World Conference on Waste: Bali
- Krui People Preserve Environment: West Lampung, Sumatra
- Marine Tourism in Indonesia
- Protecting the Muara Angke Wildlife Reserve: West Java
- The Rivers and Lakes of Papua
- Reviving Eco-Tourism: Wonosobo, Central Java
- Lore Lindu National Park Okay for Ecotourism: Sulawesi
- Nusa Penida Coral Conservation: Bali
- Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park – A Biosphere: West Java
- Turtle Conservation: Karimunjawa, Central Java
- Ecologist Helps Environment
- Tourists and Dolphins: Lovina Beach, Bali
- Rapid Deforestation a Serious Threat: Palemabang, Sumatra
- Expanding the Forest for the Environment: Padang Tegal, Bali
- Day-of-Silence Campaign
- Exposing Deforestation in Papua
- Contaminated Wells: Yogyakarta, Central Java
- Survival of the Orangutan
- Danau Buyan Shrinking: Bali
- Water Quality Degraded in Tourism Areas: Bali
- Red Tide
- Logging Concessions in Rainforests: Harapan, Sumatra