The End is Nigh…Rock on 2008!
It’s the last day of 2007 and around Indonesia people are gearing up to welcome in the New Year. A lot of people are opting to stay at home and just watch the crazy activities on the streets, others heading to hotels or the main street of their respective cities or towns. Wherever you are planning to welcome 2008, do it safely and enjoy.
2008 will prove to be a trying one for the Indonesian government in many aspects and one can only hope that whatever they do it is for the benefit of the people of this beautiful archipelago and not one of selfishness or self-gain. My primary wish list for 2008 is that the government finally puts a stop to deforestation and let’s the natural beauty of the islands heal, religious tolerance is observed at greater heights, and, whatever comes out of Visit Indonesia Year 2008 filters down to the people and islands of the archipelago and not just Bali.